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Welcome Treeland
Treeland is a company specialized in environmental protection, waste organization and recycling services, aiming to maximize the value of collected resource through recycling, reusing, and to minimize the amount of waste to achieve the ideal of "zero waste", reducing waste disposal at landfills, and consequently the polllution on the earth. As a result, we can preserve non-renewable resources and prolong the life-time of landfills. To establish a sustainable and satisfactory living condition, please work with us to reduce trash and protect the environ-ment today.
Treeland is a registered waste collector/recycler under the Environmental Protecion Department of HKSAR. We comply with the guidelines from Environmental Protecion Department of HKSAR to process solid wastes (e.g. Computer, electronic components, iron-containing metals, carbon cartridges and expired stocks, striving for recycling all kindsof wastes, in order to proctect the environment on our earth.